Friday, March 7, 2014

Hate Squats? Try These 3 Leg Exercises

Some people do not like to do any type of squat due to bad knees, bad back, bad hips, or because they just hate to do squats.

Although squats can be inappropriate for some people, it's also important to keep leg muscles strong, especially in the hips and around the knees. Here are 3 appropriate and safe leg exercises to not only keep those lower body muscles strong, but to also decrease joint paint and increase joint stability.


Lying on your back, feet and knees hip width apart, brace your abdominals and lift your hips up to the ceiling, squeezing the glutes at the same time while pushing through your heels.

Bump it up!
To make it more challenging, touch your knees together when your hips are at the top, then widen the knees again as you lower your hips back down.

Knee to Toe

Knee to knee

Toe to toe

Obviously just starting out with no band, lying on one side, bend the knees. While keeping both legs bent, lift the top leg and rotate the hip forward, bringing the knees together. Then rotate the hips back and bring the toes together. This works the entire range of motion of the hip, making it strong and stable. Be sure not to rotate the back as you bring the hips forward and back. And keep the core tight!

Bump it up!

Feel free to add a band as shown to increase the difficulty!

Table Top Hip Extension

Another way to strengthen the glutes, low back, hips, and hamstrings is this hip extension exercise in the table top position (all 4's).

On all 4's, make sure shoulders are above wrists and hips are above knees. Keeping the back completely straight and core tight, straighten a leg behind and lift up to hip height. Bring the leg back in and repeat with the same leg. Then switch sides. Make sure the chest is engaged and elbows are slightly bent.

Bump it up!

Keeping the working leg extended, lift it to hip height, then tap the toe on the floor, and lift again. Doing all of this while keeping the back straight and core tight will definitely make it tougher!

Just trying these 3 lower body and core exercises instead of squats will increase lower body strength, endurance, balance, and joint stability.

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