Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Giving Thanks

My first Thanksgiving away from home was a busy and fun one! We started out in Clarksville with Wesley's dad, Randle, and his brothers and families. Good food, beautiful land, and shooting guns made the first half of our Thanksgiving a treat!

Uncle Lyle showing me the ways of the A.R. (set up on a .22). It was pretty fun to shoot, I'm not gonna lie!

Randle and Wesley

Uncle Wesley helping Brianna load her gun.


After having a fun and beautiful morning in Clarksville, we headed to Murfreesboro for Part II of our Thanksgiving! Dinner with Wesley's mom, Lindy, and her husband and family was de-li-cious!

Granny Margaret and August

Sisters! Lindy and Monica

David's space being invaded

Wes, Auggie, Granny

It was such a lovely day, and we're so thankful for family.

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