About Me

Hey y'all!

My name is Abigail Branch and I live in Nashville, Tennessee with my friend and lovely husband, Wesley.

I am an ACSM Health Fitness Specialist working as an in home Personal Trainer (check out the "Live Out Loud In-Home Personal Training" tab!). I also own and run Oh Baby! Fitness where I teach prenatal and postpartum fitness classes. Not just your typical prenatal yoga (although we do include that!), I give expecting and new moms a great cardio, strength, and yoga workout!
Wesley works in home construction and foundation repairs...aka...he can fix

I enjoy dabbling in photography, along with cooking, reading, and exercising. I am the youngest of five and have a passion for flowers, horses and the outdoors.


I am an aunt to five nephews and four nieces, I am silly, and I love loving on people and being in fellowship with my friends, family, and Lord. I call my mom and sisters 1-4 times on a daily basis. Some would say that's a bit overboard...thankfully I'm not one of those people.

I am also passionate for those of the Lord's children who are less fortunate. Wesley and I both support several different non profits and other organizations that reach out to those in need here in the states and abroad.

With all that to say, thanks for stopping by and branching out. 


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