Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Relocating from Murfreesboro to Beersheba Springs

The time finally came for us to leave Murfreesboro and move up to the mountain! So we packed up our things from all the houses we were staying at, said goodbye to our precious church family at GPC, bid farewell to our sweet families, and pulled Beatrix up to Beersheba Springs on Saturday (complete with Pip hanging out of the window)!

With beautiful Stone Door, Savage Gulf, Greeter Falls, and a sweet cabin to call home for the next few weeks, this move has been a breath of fresh air. And it has been such a treat to have Ms Kelly and Mr Sam Baggett as our neighbors!

Y'all, the generosity we've been shown has humbled us greatly, and we've been so grateful for the people in our lives who truly love us. With a day to unwind and regroup on Sunday, we felt refreshed and ready to get things going on Monday. Panels have started to get installed and riveted in, which was very...well....riveting!

We hit a snag and found a major leak (thanks to a very determind mouse or rat!) in our gray water holding tank (the tank where sink and shower runoff water collects). This meant that we would have to cut open the belly pan again and take the tank out, reseal the tank, reinstall it, spray more foam insulation, and then re-weld the belly pan. 

After some thought, we realized that if we didn't have a grey water tank, we would have to use water sparingly only on the road, similar to camping. We were okay with that, and decided to remove the tank all together.

Another speed bump that occurred while we were still in Murfreesboro was when the spray foam insulation started to shrink, creating unwanted spaces in the insulation. Thankfully our insulation guy came up to the cabin and re-applied more insulation. So awesome!

During this time in Beersheba, we have been rising before the sun, enjoying chilly, misty mornings and fires at night, the sounds of nature and silence, and hikes to Stone Door and it's overlook of Savage Gulf.

Hikes aren't complete without head stands and handstands. :)

And not to mention our sweet neighbors across the street: a pack of donkeys and horses, and Pip's new BFF, Brown. 

The locals treat us well up here, and it's been an amazing gift during this transition.

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