Monday, August 17, 2015

Farewell to our house, hello Beatrix the Airstream!

Well, we have finished our house, moved in with family in Murfreesboro, said goodbye to our church, and have made some good headway on our Airstream, whom we have affectionately named Beatrix (means "the traveler")! 

Our families have been so helpful, supportive, and loving and we're so thankful to have them!

Here are some pictures of cleaning the airstream, the new spray foam insulation, power washing wall panels, and floors being installed:

Pip has also been enjoying his time at all of our family's homes:


Hopefully by tomorrow we will have more information on how the brakes are working and if they need any work. 

Family photo with Beatrix:

We are also hoping that soon we can get up to a cabin that our dear friends have offered for us to stay in on Monteagle in Beersheba Springs. Can't wait to spend some time with our friends, Mr. Sam and Ms. Kelly Baggett!

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