Monday, February 24, 2014

Why Exercise?

We are told almost every day that exercise is something important that we should incorporate into our lifestyle. And then an entire list is rattled off to us about why we should move and be active. And we understand and even agree that these are legitimate reasons. So why don't we get off our butts and make it happen?

These are MY reasons why I'm active. And this is the actual truth.

-I sleep better at night
-I like fitting into my favorite pair of jeans
-It helps me not be as anxious, stressed out, or depressed
-It means I can have a treat now and then without feeling a bit guilty!
-Keeps me strong for activities of daily living
-Gives me self confidence
-Allows me to have some introverted time, or extroverted time when I hike with my friends or husband
-Keeps my back strong and decreases back pain
-Yoga gives me peaceful meditation
-Feelings of accomplishment
-Clears my head and gives me perspective

Why do YOU exercise?

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