Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Electric, bed, paint and family!

Due to limited brain space and time, I'm just giving y'all the low down in a nutshell.

Wes got outlets done and electric wiring complete!

The bed frame has been officially made, with lots of storage!

Wes installed the ceiling panel, and we were ready to paint thanks to Wesley's mom Lindy and Granny who came up to help!

Finished paint and floors!

I got to take a quick getaway to see my family one more time before we leave. It was bittersweet but exciting also. 

After getting back to Beersheba, we started the finishing touches on the shower and divider wall. We put lace from one of Granny's table cloths on the plexi glass at the top of the shower, and at the top of the divider wall.

Hot water heater and the kitchen side of the shower wall.

We started applying polyurethane to the counter tops, complete with our AWB signature. :)

Wesley's workspace in Mr Sam's workshop.

Wood shavings for our compost toilet!

Today we install the fridge, toilet, sink, and mattress. Along with some finishing touches here and there.

Our plan is to head out late Saturday night from Beersheba to Murfreesboro, and then early Monday morning from Murfreesboro to Arkansas. Please pray for safe travels and efficient work!

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