Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Prenatal Exercise Facts & Stats

For those of you who are deliberating over whether you should start exercising or continue exercising once you're pregnant, these facts and stats are just for YOU! 

These stats and facts are based upon research done by Dr. James Clapp, who was a professor emeritus of reproductive biology at Case Western Reserve University and a research professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Vermont College of Medicine.


-Pregnant women who exercise experience shorter, easier, and faster labors (an average of 2 hours less!).
- 24% of exercising pregnant women had fewer cesareans and fewer complications than women who did not exercise.

Pregnant women who exercised also experienced:

- 35% decreased need for pain relief
- 75% less maternal exhaustion
- 50% decreased need to be induced
- 50% lowered need to have Pitocin to quicken labor
- 50% decreased medical intervention because of abnormal fetal heart rate
- 50% less episiotomies (ALL THOSE KEGELS!)
- 75% decrease in the need for forceps or c-section

***Women who exercise regularly during pregnancy maintain positive attitudes about themselves, their pregnancy, and their upcoming labor and delivery.

***Exercise decreases the occurrence and width of Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation).

Want to learn more about prenatal exercise? Sign up for an Oh Baby! Prenatal Fitness class at!

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