Monday, February 10, 2014

Exercise Myths: Spot Training

In the world of fitness and exercise, there are several assumptions, lies, and myths that constantly circulate in our society. One of these that I would like to spotlight is the concept known as "spot training" or "spot reduction". Spot training is the idea that if a person performs several sets and reps on one specific area of the body (i.e. abdominals, biceps, or triceps), then they will not only tone that area more and lose fat in that specific area, but that it also won't affect other parts of the body. And unfortunately, this is absolutely not true. 

The way the body loses weight is through total body high intensity cardiovascular movement, such as running, swimming, biking, circuits, kickboxing, etc. Anything that gets that heart pumping and those lungs working. Strength training does help increase the metabolism, which in turns helps burn more calories. However, this doesn't mean that strength training a specific muscle group will help burn fat in just that area. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that everyone is different. Genetics plays a huge role in this. Everyone stores weight and loses weight in different areas of their bodies (legs, chest, arms, abdomen). Everyone's bodies burn calories at different rates (quick weight loss vs. long, slow weight loss). It is SO key for people to understand this concept. Especially my clients. This isn't negative or positive (well if you look at it negatively, then that's your prerogative). It just is what it is, and that's okay. It also means that you have to be intentional in your life.

Losing weight is very hard work. But more than that, making a healthy lifestyle change that involves healthy habits, such as daily exercise, a healthy diet using moderation, good sleep, low stress, and some indulgence now and then is even harder.....and more REWARDING!

Well, enough of my soapbox...and back to spot training. :)

According to ACSM, working to lose or maintain weight is an eventual circumstance. It is an on going, lifestyle change. For more information on spot training and other myths, check out these articles:

For questions, comments, or concerns, I would love to hear from you!

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