Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bellingham Part III

 And the attempts to get Ruthie Mae to appear continued. We went to the beach and walked. We also stopped at a coffee shop and the boys got cake pops. Enjoying the crisp air, the beautiful water and stones, and watching the boys play became a fun afternoon.

My beautiful sister Sarah.

Work that belly!

Elijah taking a break from his bike riding for a snack.


Beth being such a sweet Momma. She swaddled Lazzy's doggie, legit style!

Boys on the beach. Rocks in the sand.

Welcome to Bellingham!

Finally, on Sunday afternoon, things started kicking up. Dan, Sarah, and I took the boys to church while Mom and Beth stayed home, working on getting her contractions stronger. When we got back, Bethany was definitely in labor, and it was time for the two raincoat ninjas to go to a friend's house for the afternoon while we got the house and bedroom ready!

Bethany perched on a stool, working through contractions, on a cold rainy day.

Getting the room ready.

Our mom, Susie, and Bethany's local Bellingham midwife, Alli.

At this point, things got going harder and faster, so I had to put the camera down and go where I was needed. Coming up next, photos of a beautiful baby Ruthie Mae.

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