Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Pacific NorthWest Trek Part I

After finishing up the airstream, we packed it up and headed to Murfreesboro for a few days to tie up loose ends and say our goodbyes.

Pip also made his first kill in Beersheba. So proud.

We loved staying with Sam and Kelly Baggett! So grateful for their friendship and love.

On September 30, 2015 we set off on our adventure to Washington! First stop: Arkansas.

We ended up hitting a few snags during that first leg. What should've been a 7 1/2 hour drive turned into a 16 hour drive! But we eventually made it to Fayetteville at 4am!

Pip made fast friends with our hosts' dog, Atlas.

Wes and I treated ourselves to massages, good food, and most importantly, some wonderful time hiking and climbing with our best friends Aaron and Natalie in the Ozarks.

These friends are the people who introduced Wes and I. We love them so dearly and are grateful that we finally got to spend time with them!

After spending 3 nights in Arkansas, we set out to Colorado. 

It's hard taking moving pictures at night. ;)

We stopped in Kansas at a beautiful lakeside campground on Saturday October 3rd. This was my view out of my bedroom window. 

After breakfast, we loaded up and continued our drive to Greeley, CO. Driving through Kansas and Nebraska was loooooong.

We made it to Greeley on Sunday October 4th and stayed with a longtime friend and mentor Deborah and her husband Blaine, and their two awesome kids, Erin and Grady.

We hiked, enjoyed delicious food, and stayed up late catching up with some of my favorite people!

Devil's Backbone hiking trails: 

Staying with the Chastains was a breath of fresh air and we loved hanging with them in CO! 

Next post covers our second half of our trip from Colorado to Washington!